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The modern Republican Party – over the past forty-some-odd years – has created the phenomenon of the Donald Trump constituency – out of whole cloth.
First dismissed by pundits and intellectuals alike – today the prospect of a Trump presidency has reared its ugly head – as an existential threat to our democracy. For that, it is essential to examine the components of his constituency for their singular and collective import:
1. White Southern Racists: old school secular self-identified racists, bigots, and
segregationists who are partisan Republican descendants of former so-called
Dixiecrats in the Southeast.
A right-of-passage for a lower class of rural white Southerns, the unfurling of the Confederate Battle Flag is widely regarded as a proud display of heritage. While most – if not all – fully realize it is act of politically-incorrect defiance – their vaunted Constitutional RIGHT TO OFFEND black Americans - and even more reviled 'lib'-rul' white Southerners – who see it as an brazen symbol of white supremacy. This cultural subset is anthropological evidence that – while it is not THEORETICALLY impossible to overcome one's upbringing – it is indeed PRACTICALLY impossible – for all intents and purposes.
2. Christian Dominionists: fundamentalist nut jobs who have convinced themselves that God
hates the same people that they do – and believe it is the role of government
to enforce their denominational dogma through public law.
3. Sociopaths: selfish sociopathic assholes who self-identify with Trump
because he is a fellow selfish sociopathic asshole.
4. Paranoid schizophrenics: craven paranoids who will fall for any demagogue – who tells
them whom to fear and whom to blame (AKA the ‘Chicken Little’ syndrome).
5. Fascists: text book fascists who long for a dictatorial strongman to dispense with democracy and the constitution – and purge the country of the
"other" people who don't look, think, act, and worship as they do.
6. Oligarchs: corporate royalists and oligarchs who view the acquisition of
government as the ultimate two-fold license: (a) to neuter organized labor and (b) to plunder the public treasury through the tax code.
7. NRA Crowd: a particularly virulent paranoid American subculture – and
its political enablers – which views the unfettered, unaccountable, and unregulated
ownership and acquisition of firearms – in civilian hands – as the civic antidote
to the existential threat of evil, particularly as manifested in government.
8. Low Information White Voters: low information, poorly educated,
anti-intellectual, and often defiantly ignorant working class white people who are
readily propagandized to believe the Republican party has actually advocated
for their interests – despite practically zero objective evidence over the past
forty years.
And there you have it. Indeed, America is in the crosshairs of political crisis. To deny the existential threat of a Trump presidency is an exercise in sheer sophistry. Whether or not our collective community can weather this test remains to be seen.
Calhoun Georgia
And there you have it. Indeed, America is in the crosshairs of political crisis. To deny the existential threat of a Trump presidency is an exercise in sheer sophistry. Whether or not our collective community can weather this test remains to be seen.
Calhoun Georgia